Bynames from the Encyclopaedia of Islam, 2nd Edition
by Basil Dragonstrike

This list contains all the bynames (laqabs and nisbas) found in the randomly-selected list from The Encyclopaedia of Islam, 2nd Edition. Although 120 names were selected, there are 131 bynames in this list, demonstrating that many people were known by more than one byname. I have placed the female bynames at the head of the list, for the convenience of women, as in-period women's names are poorly documented.

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al-Bashkunsiyya {female} d. 999
al-Kubrā {female} d. c. 839
al-ʻAbbāsī b. before 1050 d. 1115/1116
al-ʻAdawī d. 817/818
al-ʻĀfiya 1553-1616
al-Aghlab d. 642
al-ʻĀmilī d. 1543
al-Andalusī 1019-1083, 1274-1348
al-Anṣārī 747/757-823
al-Aʻradj d. 870/871
al-Asadī c. 709-796
al-Ashʻarī c. 614-c.662
al-Azdī d. 870/871, 1256-1321
al-Baghdādī d. 817/818, 901-967, 909/910-994, d. 1037
al-Balāsānī d. 1099
al-Bannāʼ 1256-1321
al-Barbahārī d. 941
al-Barmakī 839-936, 1211-1282
al-Baṣrī c. 776-868/869, d. 817/818
al-Battānī before 858-929
al-Bazzāz c. 709-796
al-Bughṭūrī fl. 1202
al-Bundārī fl. 1226-1242
al-Bustī 931-996/998
al-Dalāl c. 690-c. 762
al-Dardjīnī died second half 13th century
al-Djāḥiẓ c. 776-868/869
al-Djāʼib c. 632-711
al-Djanadī d.1332
al-Djīzī d. 870/871
al-Djubbāʼī d. 915/916
al-Faḍl d. 1099, 1445-1505
al-Fākhirī c. 709-796
al-Fārābī d. c 961
al-Fārisī 900-987, fl. mid 10th century
al-Fāsī 1373-1429
al-Fazarī d. 820/821
al-Fihrī d. c. 633
al-Fuḳaymī c. 776-868/869
al-Ghāfiḳī d. c. mid 12th century
al-Ghassānī d. 699/700
al-Habbāriyya before 1050-1115/1116
al-Ḥadjdj 1196-1267
al-Ḥāfiẓ 863-944
al-Ḥakam c. 661-714, 886-966
al-Hamdānī 863-944
al-Ḥanafī 1386/1387-1474
al-Ḥārith pre- or early-Islamic period, fl 632/633
al-Harrāʼ fl. 2nd half of the 8th century
al-Ḥarrānī before 858-929
al-Ḥasanī 1373-1429
al-Hāshimī before 1050-1115/1116
al-Ḥātimī d. 998
al-Ḥimmānī early ʻAbbasid period
al-ʻIdjlī d. 642
al-Irbilī 1211-1282
al-Iṣbahānī 1061-1121
al-Iṣfahānī fl. late 9th century, fl. 1226-1242
al-Iṣṭakhrī fl. mid 10th century
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al-Ḳābisī 935-1012
al-Ḳādī 1553-1616
al-Kāfiyadjī 1386/1387-1474
al-Kalbī fl. early 7th century
al-Ḳālī 901-967
al-Kammūnī fl. 1st half 11th century
al-Karadjī fl. 1st quarter 11th century
al-Karakī d. 1543
al-Karkhī fl. mid 10th century
al-Kātib d. c. 765, 909/910-994
al-Ḳaysī 1181-1222, 1274-1348
al-Khāridjī d. 703
al-Kharshanī d. 942
al-Khaṭṭāb d. c. 633
al-Khaṭṭābī 931-996/998
al-Khawlānī 629/630-699
al-Khayr 1427-1497
al-Khayyāmī c. 1048-1123
al-Khāzin d. 961/971
al-Khurāsānī 909/910-994, d. 961/971
al-Kindī contemporary of the Prophet
al-Kisrawī fl. late 9th century
al-Khuḍayrī 1445-1505
al-Ḳudūrī d. 1037
al-Kūfī c. 670-c. 717, c. 709-796, c. 757/758-818
al-Ḳummī fl. 10th century, d. 1099
al-Kurashī later Fatimids
al-Ḳurṭubī 886-966
al-Lakh 873-971
al-Maʻafirī 935-1012, d. 1208
al-Madāʼinī 752/770-830/843
al-Māfarrūkhī fl. 1072-1092
al-Makhzūmī later Fatimids
al-Makkī 1373-1429
al-Malaṭī d. 987
al-Mālikī 1373-1429
al-Marrākushī 1256-1321, fl. 1281/1282
al-Marwazī d. 888
al-Marzubānī 909/910-994
al-Marzūḳī d. 1030
al-Māwardī 974-1058
al-Miknāsī 1553-1616
al-Mubārak d. 817/818
al-Mughannī d. c. 765
al-Mughīra c. 709-796, d. 817/818
al-Makhzūmī later Fatimids
al-Munsh 1061-1121
(al-)Mundhir 886-966
al-Mutawakkil 1473-1555
al-Mutawallī 1035/1036-1086
al-Muẓaffar d. 998
al-Muzanī d. c. 684, 791/792-878
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al-Nadīm 839-936
al-Naḥwī fl. 2nd half of the 8th century, 1019-1083
al-Nakhaʻī c. 670-c. 717
al-Nāṣir d.927/937
al-Naṣrī contemporary of the Prophet
al-Naẓar 12th century
al-Nīlī fl. 2nd half of the 8th century
al-Nuʻmān d. 699/700
al-Rabīʻ d. 870/871
al-Rādūyānī fl. 1088-1114
al-Ruʼāsī fl. 2nd half of the 8th century
al-Ruʻaynī 1196-1267
al-Ṣābiʼ before 858-929
al-Saʻdī d. 1169
al-Sadūsī d. 703
al-Sakhāwī 1427-1497
al-Sakūnī contemporary of the Prophet
al-Sayyid d. c. mid 12th century
al-Shāfiʻī 1211-1282, 1427-1497
al-Shaḥḥām fl. 3rd quarter of the 9th century
al-Shantamarī 1019-1083
al-Sharīshī 1181-1222
al-Shaybānī 750-803/805
al-Shiblī 861-945
al-Suyūṭī 1445-1505
al-Ṭabarānī 873-971
al-Ṭabarī fl. late 9th century
al-Ṭabrisī fl. 1st half 12th century
al-Ṭāʼī d. c. 611/612
al-Tamīmī fl. 1st half 11th century, early ʻAbbasid period
al-Thaḳafī c. 661-714
al-Tirmidhī fl. 1st half of the 12th century
al-Ṭufaylī fl. early 9th century
al-Ṭughrāʼī 1061-1121
al-Ṭunbūrī 839-936
al-Tūnisī 1274-1348
al-Tustarī 818-896
al-ʻUmānī 12th century
al-Wādīʼāshi 1274-1348
al-Wahrānī d. 1179
al-Walīd 747/757-823
al-Yazīdī d. 817/818
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