al-Bashkunsiyya {female} |
d. 999 |
al-Kubrā {female} |
d. c. 839 |
al-ʻAbbāsī |
b. before 1050 d. 1115/1116 |
al-ʻAdawī |
d. 817/818 |
al-ʻĀfiya |
1553-1616 |
al-Aghlab |
d. 642 |
al-ʻĀmilī |
d. 1543 |
al-Andalusī |
1019-1083, 1274-1348 |
al-Anṣārī |
747/757-823 |
al-Aʻradj |
d. 870/871 |
al-Asadī |
c. 709-796 |
al-Ashʻarī |
c. 614-c.662 |
al-Azdī |
d. 870/871, 1256-1321 |
al-Baghdādī |
d. 817/818, 901-967, 909/910-994,
d. 1037 |
al-Balāsānī |
d. 1099 |
al-Bannāʼ |
1256-1321 |
al-Barbahārī |
d. 941 |
al-Barmakī |
839-936, 1211-1282 |
al-Baṣrī |
c. 776-868/869, d. 817/818 |
al-Battānī |
before 858-929 |
al-Bazzāz |
c. 709-796 |
al-Bughṭūrī |
fl. 1202 |
al-Bundārī |
fl. 1226-1242 |
al-Bustī |
931-996/998 |
al-Dalāl |
c. 690-c. 762 |
al-Dardjīnī |
died second half 13th century |
al-Djāḥiẓ |
c. 776-868/869 |
al-Djāʼib |
c. 632-711 |
al-Djanadī |
d.1332 |
al-Djīzī |
d. 870/871 |
al-Djubbāʼī |
d. 915/916 |
al-Faḍl |
d. 1099, 1445-1505 |
al-Fākhirī |
c. 709-796 |
al-Fārābī |
d. c 961 |
al-Fārisī |
900-987, fl. mid 10th century |
al-Fāsī |
1373-1429 |
al-Fazarī |
d. 820/821 |
al-Fihrī |
d. c. 633 |
al-Fuḳaymī |
c. 776-868/869 |
al-Ghāfiḳī |
d. c. mid 12th century |
al-Ghassānī |
d. 699/700 |
al-Habbāriyya |
before 1050-1115/1116 |
al-Ḥadjdj |
1196-1267 |
al-Ḥāfiẓ |
863-944 |
al-Ḥakam |
c. 661-714, 886-966 |
al-Hamdānī |
863-944 |
al-Ḥanafī |
1386/1387-1474 |
al-Ḥārith |
pre- or early-Islamic period, fl 632/633 |
al-Harrāʼ |
fl. 2nd half of the 8th century |
al-Ḥarrānī |
before 858-929 |
al-Ḥasanī |
1373-1429 |
al-Hāshimī |
before 1050-1115/1116 |
al-Ḥātimī |
d. 998 |
al-Ḥimmānī |
early ʻAbbasid period |
al-ʻIdjlī |
d. 642 |
al-Irbilī |
1211-1282 |
al-Iṣbahānī |
1061-1121 |
al-Iṣfahānī |
fl. late 9th century, fl. 1226-1242 |
al-Iṣṭakhrī |
fl. mid 10th century |
Back to the top |
al-Ḳābisī |
935-1012 |
al-Ḳādī |
1553-1616 |
al-Kāfiyadjī |
1386/1387-1474 |
al-Kalbī |
fl. early 7th century |
al-Ḳālī |
901-967 |
al-Kammūnī |
fl. 1st half 11th century |
al-Karadjī |
fl. 1st quarter 11th century |
al-Karakī |
d. 1543 |
al-Karkhī |
fl. mid 10th century |
al-Kātib |
d. c. 765, 909/910-994 |
al-Ḳaysī |
1181-1222, 1274-1348 |
al-Khāridjī |
d. 703 |
al-Kharshanī |
d. 942 |
al-Khaṭṭāb |
d. c. 633 |
al-Khaṭṭābī |
931-996/998 |
al-Khawlānī |
629/630-699 |
al-Khayr |
1427-1497 |
al-Khayyāmī |
c. 1048-1123 |
al-Khāzin |
d. 961/971 |
al-Khurāsānī |
909/910-994, d. 961/971 |
al-Kindī |
contemporary of the Prophet |
al-Kisrawī |
fl. late 9th century |
al-Khuḍayrī |
1445-1505 |
al-Ḳudūrī |
d. 1037 |
al-Kūfī |
c. 670-c. 717, c. 709-796, c. 757/758-818 |
al-Ḳummī |
fl. 10th century, d. 1099 |
al-Kurashī |
later Fatimids |
al-Ḳurṭubī |
886-966 |
al-Lakhmī |
873-971 |
al-Maʻafirī |
935-1012, d. 1208 |
al-Madāʼinī |
752/770-830/843 |
al-Māfarrūkhī |
fl. 1072-1092 |
al-Makhzūmī |
later Fatimids |
al-Makkī |
1373-1429 |
al-Malaṭī |
d. 987 |
al-Mālikī |
1373-1429 |
al-Marrākushī |
1256-1321, fl. 1281/1282 |
al-Marwazī |
d. 888 |
al-Marzubānī |
909/910-994 |
al-Marzūḳī |
d. 1030 |
al-Māwardī |
974-1058 |
al-Miknāsī |
1553-1616 |
al-Mubārak |
d. 817/818 |
al-Mughannī |
d. c. 765 |
al-Mughīra |
c. 709-796, d. 817/818 |
al-Makhzūmī |
later Fatimids |
al-Munshiʼ |
1061-1121 |
(al-)Mundhir |
886-966 |
al-Mutawakkil |
1473-1555 |
al-Mutawallī |
1035/1036-1086 |
al-Muẓaffar |
d. 998 |
al-Muzanī |
d. c. 684, 791/792-878 |
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al-Nadīm |
839-936 |
al-Naḥwī |
fl. 2nd half of the 8th century, 1019-1083 |
al-Nakhaʻī |
c. 670-c. 717 |
al-Nāṣir |
d.927/937 |
al-Naṣrī |
contemporary of the Prophet |
al-Naẓar |
12th century |
al-Nīlī |
fl. 2nd half of the 8th century |
al-Nuʻmān |
d. 699/700 |
al-Rabīʻ |
d. 870/871 |
al-Rādūyānī |
fl. 1088-1114 |
al-Ruʼāsī |
fl. 2nd half of the 8th century |
al-Ruʻaynī |
1196-1267 |
al-Ṣābiʼ |
before 858-929 |
al-Saʻdī |
d. 1169 |
al-Sadūsī |
d. 703 |
al-Sakhāwī |
1427-1497 |
al-Sakūnī |
contemporary of the Prophet |
al-Sayyid |
d. c. mid 12th century |
al-Shāfiʻī |
1211-1282, 1427-1497 |
al-Shaḥḥām |
fl. 3rd quarter of the 9th century |
al-Shantamarī |
1019-1083 |
al-Sharīshī |
1181-1222 |
al-Shaybānī |
750-803/805 |
al-Shiblī |
861-945 |
al-Suyūṭī |
1445-1505 |
al-Ṭabarānī |
873-971 |
al-Ṭabarī |
fl. late 9th century |
al-Ṭabrisī |
fl. 1st half 12th century |
al-Ṭāʼī |
d. c. 611/612 |
al-Tamīmī |
fl. 1st half 11th century, early ʻAbbasid period |
al-Thaḳafī |
c. 661-714 |
al-Tirmidhī |
fl. 1st half of the 12th century |
al-Ṭufaylī |
fl. early 9th century |
al-Ṭughrāʼī |
1061-1121 |
al-Ṭunbūrī |
839-936 |
al-Tūnisī |
1274-1348 |
al-Tustarī |
818-896 |
al-ʻUmānī |
12th century |
al-Wādīʼāshi |
1274-1348 |
al-Wahrānī |
d. 1179 |
al-Walīd |
747/757-823 |
al-Yazīdī |
d. 817/818 |
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